Setting URL parameters

A URL parameter is a character string that completes a URL of a web page. You can usually find URL parameters after a question mark ? contained in the URL.

How it works

When setting dynamic insertion for a tracking number with URL parameters as traffic source, you need to select URL as Traffic Source, and type in the character string in your URL in the field as shown below. The whole URL is not required.

If the value defined in the Web Page URL field is detected in your website’s URL, then the permutation target displayed on that page will be replaced with the tracking number assigned to this source.


URL parameters and UTM parameters

Among the most currently used types of URL parameters, UTM parameters are the URL parameters defined by Google. Here are a few examples of UTM parameters that can be set as URL parameters on a website (bold characters):

  • utm_source. Ex:
  • utm_medium. Ex:
  • utm_campaign. Ex:
  • utm_term. Ex:
  • utm_content. Ex:

Keep in mind that all URL parameters are not necessarily UTM parameters. In fact, any character string after the ? symbol in a URL can be considered a URL parameter.


Setting more than one URL parameter

In the Web page URL field, you can also combine several URL parameters:

1. By using “&” between two different URL parameters. For example:

Note: In this case, all the URL parameters in this field will be recognized as a unique character string. Mind that the URL parameters you define are exactly matching the URL parameters on your website.


2. By using « | » between two URL parameters of the same type to assign both of their values to your traffic source. For example:

In this example, the permutation will be effective when the visited web page has the URL or

Note: Make sure the URL parameter defined in Call Tracking exactly matches (Caps, symbols) the webpage’s URL parameter.