Editing HubSpot integration

Once you have activated the integration between your Call Tracking and your HubSpot accounts, integration settings can be edited whenever you need to adjust the way your call data is displayed as activities in HubSpot.

To get started, click on Configure for HubSpot in the Integrations tab.



How to edit HubSpot integration for the account

How to create calls in HubSpot

In this part of the form, you can set automatic creation of call activities in HubSpot, for each call received on your tracking numbers. Please read this dedicated article for more details about automation of call creation in HubSpot.

How to create contacts in HubSpot

In this part of the form, you can set automatic creation of new phone contacts in HubSpot, for calls received on your tracking numbers. Please read this dedicated article for more details about automation of phone contact creation in HubSpot.

How to edit HubSpot integration for a tracking number

Your HubSpot integration can be easily activated or de-activated for a specific tracking number.

To do this, get to the Numbers tab and click on the Edit icon for the tracking number to process.



Then, select in the Integrations section of the form if you wish the call data from this tracking number to be sent or not to your HubSpot account.


Then click on Update to save your changes.