Integrate Contentsquare with your Dexem Call Tracking account

Prerequisite: To view your calls in Contentsquare, you must use Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) per visitor session with a tracking number pool.

The integration of your Contentsquare account with your Call Tracking account allows you to send call data directly into your Contentsquare project, for each call received on one of your tracking numbers.

In this article :

Activate the Contentsquare integration in your Dexem Call Tracking account

In the Integrations tab, click on the Contentsquare card.


To add a new project, click Add (top right of the screen).

Give your integration the name you want.

Indicate the Client ID, Client secret and Integration ID of your Contentsquare project (More information on the Contentsquare API key in this article from their Help Center:

Content Square Credentials


You can set a minimum call duration. All call data that will have a duration lower than this parameter will not be sent.

In the next step, select the tracking numbers whose call data will be sent to Contentsquare.


Click on Complete the configuration to finalize the integration of your Dexem Call tracking account with your Contentsquare project.

Edit the Contentsquare integration for a tracking number

Once the Contentsquare integration is set up, you can enable or disable it for each tracking number already present in the Numbers tab.

The call data for these numbers will also be sent to Contentsquare from the moment the activation is done (not retroactive).

To do so, click on the edit icon of the number you want to configure.

Edit icone

Then go to the Integrations section, and enable the Send calls to Contentsquare option.

A Contentsquare IDs setting appears. Select the desired Contensquare’s ID.


Click on Modify at the bottom of the form to validate the configuration and return to the list of numbers.

View data sent to Contentsquare

In your Dexem Call Tracking account, you can view the data sent to Contentsquare through the integration.

Go to the Integrationstab, click on the Contentsquare card.


In this page, you can see the list of Contentsquare projects integrated with your Dexem Call Tracking account.

You have the possibility to display the activity logs of this integration by clicking on the icon in the Actions of the desired project.


You will then see a table summarizing the call data sent to Contentsquare.
If the icon in the status column is green, the information has been sent successfully.

By clicking on the Consultation icon (the eye on the right of the line), in the Actions column, you can visualize all the information sent.